I practice yoga almost every day. Maybe you do too? In fact, lots of people practice yoga. You might even be familiar with terms such as surya namaskar (sun salutation) and an image of a yoga mat might have popped into your head? Well, I do use one, but most of my yoga happens off the mat. It’s true! and I’d like to show you how.
Namaste! I’m Maya.
But before I take you on my path to peace, I put together this quick video to give you a starting point.
My Every Yoga, Every Day.
My mornings start with Bhakti Yoga
Path of Devotion to the Divine
Even before stepping out of bed, I chant special morning shloka (sacred Hindu couplets) including “O Mother Earth! Draped by the oceans, adorned with mountains and jungles, the consort of Lord Vishnu, I bow to you. Forgive me for stepping upon you with my feet.”
I practice Raja Yoga in the morning and in the afternoon
The Path of Meditation
Raja Yoga offers spiritual disciplines through asana (postures), and breathwork and meditation (pranayama) to help unify the mind and body — or in other words, align and purify our thoughts, words, and actions.
In the morning, I practice the asana aspect of Raja Yoga. In the afternoon, I practice pranayama. The meditation helps to break up my day and quiet my thoughts in order to better focus on the present.
I practice Karma yoga When I do my duty without attachment or expectation of reward.
The Path of Right Action
Karma Yoga is the path of right action is doing the right thing without expectation of recognition or reward in return. It is about serving all living beings and things in recognition of our shared divinity.
At work, I might assist a colleague struggling to finish a project—even though I might not be on their team—so they can succeed. On Fridays, I try to volunteer for a local park clean up, and make sure to take my son with me. I’m sure he’d rather be playing with friends, but it’s my duty to instill in him the importance of taking time to serve the greater good and about our duty to take care of nature. And at dinner, I may try a new ayurvedic recipe, trying my best to keep our family healthy.
All of these actions may yield fruits from my labor, I remain detached from these expectations.
I enter my evening Routine by practicing Bhakti Yoga once again
Path of Devotion to the Divine
After dinner, I go into my evening routine, in which I may practice a bhajan (a devotional hymn) and chant japa (repeat divine name) “Om Namaha Shivaya.”
Before I head off to bed, I Focus on the pursuit of Jnana Yoga.
Path of Knowledge
Jnana Yoga is often described as one of the most difficult paths because it is not only the act of acquiring knowledge but assimilating it as the wisdom that informs our way of being. It provides a way to understand and be ever-aware that the divinity in us (Atman) is the same as the divinity in all living things, and that our shared divinity is connected to a greater Divinity (Brahman).
So before I head off to bed, I may listen to recorded lectures on the Bhagavad Gita. This is one of the ways I pursue the Path of Knowledge.
Start your journey with every Yoga, every day.
Pretty cool right? Although I’ve been practicing yoga for a long time now, my journey has grown to incorporate more of it into my life. If you want to start your own journey, we put together some resources for you.